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Lockdown Silver lining

Well what a crazy few weeks this has been! Never in our lives did we expect this but of course we are all in the same boat so hope you are all managing with staying at home or keeping safe if you are one of our many key workers. We miss you guys all so much and can not wait to get back to work, I'm pretty sure we will be bulk buying wax and nail tips in preparation for your return.

During LD we have actually gutted the salon and our 2 builders are working their socks off to get the salon refitted ready to open with a bang once we are allowed. Trying to take the positives in this situation and hopefully you will all feel the benefit of it once we are back.

So what have you all been doing during this weird and wonderful time? Let us know.

Kerrie has been trying out home schooling, as I'm sure many of you have, omg teachers need a pay rise! It has to be one of the hardest things ever and she'll be so grateful to get back to work and in to a normal routine again.

Lisa has been wearing her kids out with 13 mile bike rides and baking. She'll be back to work full of energy and the fittest she's ever been whilst the rest of us might look more like a dough ball!

Kelly has eventually moved house and is now on her way to a full diy sos makeover on the property all whilst trying to entertain a 3 year old. Who do you think will have more paint on them by the end of it? Ollie or the house?

Cara and Brooke are both wrapped up with their super cute babies. Cara should of been back to work this month, I think starting a global pandemic is a bit extreme, she could of just asked for a longer maternity! :)

Bethan and Lucy are both finding this time very strange as the both normally work 2 jobs!

Bethan has taken Betty the bizarre but awesome training hand home and has been honing her skills all ready to get back to her clients.

Lucy is falling in love with art again and keeping her daughter busy with lots of beautiful rainbows all displayed as a thank you for our key workers.

We can not wait to see you all again and when we do it will be hugs all round! (When we are allowed of course!) We so appreciate your loyalty and support during this time, being a small independant team this really does mean the world to us.

If you would like to keep up to date with some of the things we are up to on social media then please follow us on:

We update them on a regular basis and you can easily have a chat with any of us if you'd like.

With lots of love and hugs, stay safe. 

The Karisma Team xx


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